WTBQ Political Roundtable, guest starring Dr. Devra Davis
June 2nd, 2011
Tune in at 9AM EST on June 10 for WTBQ’s Political Roundtable guest-hosted by Deborah Kopald sitting in for Pat O’Dwyer
Kopald will discuss her briefing with the New York State Senate Majority leaders re: electromagnetic pollution and the science and politics of cell phone radiation with special guest
Dr. Devra Davis, author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family
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With all this news about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation, don’t we have a huge responsibility to protect the children?
In the UK, they have the Children Act 1989, which places the legal obligation on Local Authorities to protect children in their area against harm, even a likelihood of risk or a perceived risk.
Do we have anything like this in the US? Thanks
Not sure, Jane. We’ll check it out.
I really just wanted to chime in and let you know that you are quite possibly one of the best writers ever on this subject. Everyone else is kind of hard to understand as I am not exactly A original English speaker, but I am trying. So I truly appreciate you dumbing it down for me.
Thanks so much for your feedback!
Glad that we’re helping out.