Cell Phone Warnings

New smart phones come with FCC warnings that phones are NOT safe to use if held directly on the body.
 Select any of these names to see the warnings in the manuals.

When not using an approved body-worn accessory, always keep your cell phone more than 1 inch from your body…

T Mobile
Persons with pacemakers should always keep their phone more than six inches from their pacemaker…

This device may cause harmful interference…

When using data features, keep the cell phone at least 0.98 inches from your body…

Blackberry Torch
Keep your cell phone at least .98 inches from your body, especially the abdomen of pregnant women and lower abdomen of teenagers…

Apple iPhone 4
Only use carrying cases, belt clips or holders that provide at least 5/8 inch separation between your body and the cell phone…

Apple 3G iPhone
When using a built in audio-reciever, always hold your cell phone with the dock connector pointed down toward your shoulder to increase your separation from the antenna…

Apple iPad
To increase separation from the antenna, located at the top edge, orient the iPad in portrait mode with the home button at the bottom…