Non- Thermal Effects & Mechanisms of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter

April 20th, 2011

Globally more than four billion phones are in use, with more than half of all users believed to be children and young adults. Over the past two decades, models of the human head have been devised based on imaging studies and used to estimate the extent and rate of radiation energy absorption to the brain, the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). IEEE and ICNIRP SAR recommendations rest solely on avoiding thermal effects on the adult male head under conditions of a six minute long call and do not take into account the long-term cell phone use, the length of calls, non-thermal biological effects, the smaller size and greater physiological vulnerability and increased absorption to the heads of children and females.

Published in the European Journal of Oncology, a study by the Ramazzini Institute: the National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases, Bologna, Italy 2010

Click the link below to view the full report in PDF

Ramazzini Institute – Interaction between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter


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