Study Reveals Cell Phones can Alter your Brain

April 20th, 2011


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Health risks of cell phone radiation – a video by Byng Junior High

April 20th, 2011

This video was created by a Byng Junior High School 9th grade science research team as part of their award-winning 2009-10 U.S. Army E-Cybermission project addressing the human health risks of cell phone radiation.


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Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? An Article by Green American

April 20th, 2011

In a recent article, the Green American asks: Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

The telecom industry says no, the fine print on cell phone packaging says maybe and some leading scientists say we should be very concerned.

Read on before you dismiss the warnings about cell phones. There’s real cause for concern behind the industry smokescreen.

Click here to read the whole article in PDF

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Non- Thermal Effects & Mechanisms of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter

April 20th, 2011

Globally more than four billion phones are in use, with more than half of all users believed to be children and young adults. Over the past two decades, models of the human head have been devised based on imaging studies and used to estimate the extent and rate of radiation energy absorption to the brain, the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). IEEE and ICNIRP SAR recommendations rest solely on avoiding thermal effects on the adult male head under conditions of a six minute long call and do not take into account the long-term cell phone use, the length of calls, non-thermal biological effects, the smaller size and greater physiological vulnerability and increased absorption to the heads of children and females.

Published in the European Journal of Oncology, a study by the Ramazzini Institute: the National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases, Bologna, Italy 2010

Click the link below to view the full report in PDF

Ramazzini Institute – Interaction between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter


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Students Test Dangers of Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation at Science Fair

April 20th, 2011

Some young scientists attending the Regional Science Fair at Trent University took on the controversial subject of Wi-Fi and Mobile Phone radiation.


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Companies Committed to Safer Cell Phone Use

April 20th, 2011

Below are companies, to date, who are committed to protecting employee health and agree to:

  • Promote cell phone safety by distributing Environmental Health Trust information
  • Provide headsets to all employees who use phones for business
  • Sponsor Environmental Health Trust
  • Create their own programs to promote cell phone safety

Sustainable Mobile | info at | +358-29-123 0899 |
Knobe’s Radio Shack | chris at | 307-734-8801 |
Blue Spruce Cleaners |
Diana Joy AlterEgo | 307-690-3589
Dutton | A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc |
Dynamic Custom Homes |
Elevated Grounds Coffee Shop |
Horizon Pictures | 307-733-2994
Jackson Whole
JH Weekly |
Lotus Cafe |
Mayor’s Office of Jackson Hole
Pamela Stockton Interiors |
Roadrunner Apothecary
Sunlight Design | 307-690-6696 |
Teton Literacy Program |
Teton Science Schools |
Teton Wellness
Thal Glass
Togwotee Lodge |

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Mobile Wise: Here is some information about how safe mobile phones are for children

April 20th, 2011


Here is some information about how safe mobile phones are for children. More information, and some ways to reduce the risk, are available at our website:

But ongoing research showing a link between their use and health problems, coupled with differences in children’s anatomy, suggests they carry health risks for children.

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Protestors Ask for More Cell Phone Safety Awareness Outside CTIA Conference

April 19th, 2011 interviews a group of protestors outside the CTIA wireless convention in San Francisco, CA, October 2010. The protestors want to generate awareness about cell phone radation and its effects on human health. The believe the cell phone industry is misleading the public.

Watch interviews of the protestors.

This video was posted on October 12, 2010 by at


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What effect do Mobile Phones have on your health?

April 19th, 2011

saferphones EHT
Mobile phones have become a permanent fixture in our lives but what effect do they have on your health?

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April 8-11 2011: Total Health 11 in Toronto

April 8th, 2011

Dr. Devra Davis will be speaking on the topic of  “The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation” at Total Health 11 in Toronto Canada.

The conference is April 8-11 2011

Get more information here.





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